DayFR Euro

Buziet Murder: Neither the Accused nor His Entourage Can Explain the Outburst of Violence

Since Wednesday, the Pyrénées-Atlantiques Assize Court has been trying to understand what led Thomas Rodriguez to attack Rebecca Doer for no apparent reason, one evening in July 2021 on a path in the village of Buziet. Just before his act, Thomas Rodriguez had drunk a few beers with friends after his day at work, and just after, on his way home, he had an intimate relationship with his girlfriend at the time, before going bowling in the evening. In between: there are these a few seconds of hyper violence. In front of the court, the accused remained silent. It was the expert psychologist who recounted his interviews with him in detention. He allegedly “lost his temper” but according to the expert, “He did more than vent his anger, he settled his scores.

So the court looks for explanations in the accused’s deprived childhood. Of his mother, the accused thinks that she did not want him. He blames her for having put him in boarding school according to the expert. As for his father, the unruly child remembers his words: “You’re just a good-for-nothing. You’ll end up in jail.“. The court therefore expected a lot from the hearing of the accused’s two parents. Two testimonies with very few words Finally. For two years, their son has refused to see them in the visiting room.

The verdict is expected on Thursday evening.

Tell us freely about your son“, the president of the court asks Thomas Rodriguez’s father. His hands are shaking and after a long silence, “no i can’t,“let go of this father who admits to having been”often absent and not very demonstrative“. Next, the mother also fails to simply describe her child. A few words come to her with the insistent questions of the president of the court: “A nice but restless boy […] difficult to live with.” She is asked what she would like to tell him. “I love him,” she answers in a more assured voice. But in the dock, her son does not even look at her. The verdict is expected this Thursday evening.


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