DayFR Euro

Parenting at the heart of Family Day in Tarascon

Under the coordination of the TEEF social center (Tarascon Espace Emploi Famille) and in partnership with the city, Family Day will take place this Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This year, the event will take place in the premises of the Le Lien nursery and media library with the presence of many partners, activities, stands and round tables. The environment and parental foundations are the pillars of a good education for children, future adults of tomorrow, for a serene future, the first years of life being fundamental in their construction. Faced with this, parents are sometimes confronted with difficulties, questions, some sometimes feeling helpless, hence the importance of support. It is with the aim of helping, informing, and exchanging on various themes related to parenthood that this Family Day is set up.

Workshops and picnic lunch on the program

At the entrance to the media library, numerous information stands will be offered to visitors by the partners present, who will also run workshops for children of all ages in the nursery and media library premises. The nursery and the early childhood relay (RPE) will be responsible for motor skills and language workshops for the youngest children, while the TEEF will hold the creative leisure activities. Board games, digital games, reading workshops and an early childhood exhibition will be presented and made available by the media library. Facilitators from the Tarascon museum and castle will organize a workshop “Discovering Tarascon heritage”. The information center on women’s and family rights (CIDFF) will set up a play area: on the road to equality. Disability awareness will be addressed by Trilogis. ADDAP13 (Departmental Association for the Development of Prevention Actions in Bouches-du-Rhône), the local mission and the adolescent house (MDA) will devote themselves to entertaining teenagers. Cultures du coeur will host a game workshop: the arts, sports and culture case. Finally, Au-delà des écran will address this sensitive topic with parent/child challenges.

While the youngest are busy, parents who wish to can participate in round tables on fundamental themes such as support in school and homework, adolescence, communication or even learn about balanced nutrition with nurses who have come specially to provide advice. New this year, the possibility of sharing together, in the garden, a picnic from the bag and for the most gourmands, a food stand (crepes, drinks) will be present and run by the families. Enough to extend the discussions and exchanges and to meet around lunch. A rich program in perspective which could not have succeeded, as Rodica Rapcea, TEEF director, points out, without the involvement and work provided over the past year by the voluntary and motivated partners.

Free entry within the limit of available places. Information, details and workshop schedules on 04 90 91 02 96.


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