DayFR Euro

Joël Guerriau “no longer has a place” in the Senate

Joël Guerriau, accused of drugging a female MP to sexually assault her, has resigned at the request of the President of the Senate.

The senator announced his implementation “withdrawn” parliamentary work, that is, the vice-presidency of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, as well as his resignation from his executive functions.

Joël Guerriau continues to contest the facts while saying he wants “preserve serenity” of the upper house.

Possible return

Gérard Larcher spoke with the senator. He reportedly asked him to resign from his mandate.

Joël Guerriau had requested the presidency of the Senate with a view to a possible return to the Luxembourg Palace, almost a year after the events which date back to November 14, 2023.

Since his indictment, the parliamentarian had not been to the chamber and had been suspended from his party Horizons and his parliamentary group Les Indépendants-République et Territoires.

Step up to the plate

« “I wish him to resign.”launched Gérard Larcher on Inter yesterday, September 25, estimating “personally that his place is no longer in the Senate”but recalling that “Only the Constitutional Council, following a court decision, can remove a parliamentarian from his mandate”.

In recent days, many parliamentarians have spoken out against the possible return of Joël Guerriau, while the subject of chemical submission is also at the heart of current legal affairs through the Mazan rape trial.

“Tolerating the presence of Senator Guerriau in the Senate chamber would be a terrible blow to Deputy Josso and to all victims of chemical submission and sexual assault.”wrote the environmental group in a letter to Gérard Larcher.

LREM MP Sandrine Josso at the National Assembly in on January 16, 2024. (Photo Thomas SAMSON / AFP)

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