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The very young assassin of Charmilles does not escape an internment measure

Published on September 25, 2024 at 7:23 p.m. / Modified on September 25, 2024 at 10:24 p.m.

Very large turnout and high tension for the reading of the verdict in the Charmilles case. The gratuitous death of young Chris caused a wave of emotion and the person responsible, the equally young Goran*, was taking a big risk. For this 23-year-old boy, the main issue was obviously the pronouncement of an internment measure. He cannot escape it because of his personality disorder and the danger he represents for society. The Criminal Court also considers that the person concerned deserves a custodial sentence of 20 years. It will be set at 16 years and 10 months, as it will be in addition to the 38 months already imposed for the Saint-Jean attack committed when he was a minor. The defense has announced that it will appeal.

In the eyes of the Criminal Court, Goran did everything wrong from the beginning of that evening of September 19, 2019. He drank, armed himself with a knife and went out clubbing, even though he was forbidden to do so and was on bail. Through his provocative behavior, “he created the conditions for a physical confrontation” in the parking lot. After the fatal blow, the seriousness of which everyone must have perceived, “he showed no signs of panic” and even made a victory sign by raising his fist.

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