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Her car disappears in , it is found 250 km away thanks to a hidden tool


Nicolas Zaugra

Published on

Sep 25, 2024 at 10:52 AM

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The thieves had forgotten this little detail. A Lyonnais whose car was stolen on September 19, 2024 was able to find his vehicle thanks to an increasingly widespread tool that is fitted to many models.

The owner of the car filed a complaint in the Rhône, the car was found in 250 kilometers from its department of residence.

The vehicle is followed live by its owner

The car was stolen on September 19th, and was found a few days later in (Nièvre), on September 23rd, in a street in the city. According to our colleagues from Journal of the Centerthe vehicle was stolen in Lyon and disappeared with its thieves to a completely different department.

The police, alerted by the unfortunate owner, quickly closed the investigation thanks to the victim’s determination. It was she who saw his vehicle located in Nevers and driving through the streets of the city by following his movements thanks to the geolocation system integrated into his car.

Three people arrested

After alerting the Nevers police, the officers began hunting the vehicle and its illegal driver. Seven minutes after the owner reported it, they were able to spot the car on the bridge at the exit of the city centre.

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The police finally came across three people in the stolen car who were arrested “without resistance”. They were taken into custody. The Lyonnais will be able to recover his vehicle quickly.

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