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Émilien (Les 12 coups de midi) explains what makes him want to continue participating in the TF1 game

As he celebrates his year on the air this Wednesday, September 25, Émilien does not want to stop winning. The champion of 12 noon strikes even has a special motivation.

With his close-cropped hair and reserved air, Émilien had arrived on the set of 12 noon strikes September 25, 2023. A year later, this boy, one of three siblings, is still in the running in the game on the front page. Between his first and most recent participation, the candidate won 13 Mysterious Stars and accumulated 1,549,527 euros in winnings and gifts. Far from being only interested in the financial and material aspect, the 21-year-old champion explained to Tele-Leisure which made him want to do more shows.

I like answering new questions” : Émilien describes what drives him in The 12 strokes of noon

Passionate about general knowledge quizzes, the grandson of Yvonne and Claude had already participated in Questions for a champion (he was beaten in the final) before experiencing his very fine career in the daily game on TF1.What interests me is playing. I like to answer new questions every day.“, he testifies. Rejected from the selections when he was only 18 years old, the candidate from Vendée is now enjoying every moment.”What drives me is playing. That’s why I came. I’m staying, as long as I still can.“, he insists. Since he didn’t set any initial goals, Jessica’s boyfriend sees everything he experiences as a bonus. “My only goal was to be there on the second day.” he adds.

“It’s always with the same desire”: Emilien feels no weariness in The 12 strokes of noon

So there is no point in asking him what records he plans to break next.I never wanted to surpass anyone“, he testifies, always in the same line of conduct. There is no point in talking to him about abandonment either.”I like this game too. It hasn’t changed in a year.“, he smiles. A loyal viewer of the program on La Une, before becoming its protagonist, the competitor even puts one last coin in the machine to reassure those who still fear that he will lose his motivation as the days go by.”When I come, it’s always with the same desire to participate and play.“, he concludes.


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