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Gérard Larcher shares Michel Barnier’s opinion

Antoine Armand, the Minister of the Economy, called to order by Michel Barnier, had to backpedal this Tuesday in the face of Marine Le Pen who criticized him for having ruled out working with the RN.

The President of the Senate, Gérard Larcher (LR), “share the focus» from Michel Barnier to his Minister of the Economy Antoine Armand, while the left saw it as proof that the Prime Minister «governs under the tutelage of the extreme right». «The RN is 11 million voters, they are deputies like the other deputies, it is logical and even legitimate that the Prime Minister and the government address all parliamentarians“, declared Gérard Larcher on Inter on Wednesday. “Universal suffrage, whether we like it or not, has given more than 140 (far-right) deputies to the National Assembly.” added Mr. Larcher.

Antoine Armand, called to order by Michel Barnier, had to backpedal this Tuesday in the face of Marine Le Pen who criticized him for having ruled out working with the RN. “Excluding them from the debate prior to the budget construction is not a good way to prepare the budget and to finally have perhaps slightly more peaceful relations, particularly in the National Assembly,” judged the President of the Senate.

“Michel Barnier governs under the tutelage of the extreme right”

But the telephone conversation between Michel Barnier and Marine Le Pen to disavow her minister sparked an outcry on the left and unease among some Macronists.Michel Barnier governs under the tutelage of the extreme right. It’s simple, it’s clear. And if there was any doubt now, it’s gone.“, reacted the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, on BFMTV/RMC. “What is serious is not that Mr. Barnier has put a minister back in his place. What is serious is that he called Mrs. Le Pen because that reveals that the government depends on Mrs. Le Pen,” added the former socialist president François Hollande on franceinfo.


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