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“A very bad signal”: MPs from the presidential camp protest against Michel Barnier’s reprimand of Antoine Armand

On Tuesday, Economy Minister Antoine Armand was told off by Prime Minister Michel Barnier for having ruled out working with the National Rally before backtracking.

Within the Ensemble pour la République group, the presidential camp group chaired by Gabriel Attal, this reframing is causing some teeth to grind.

Several members denounced “a very bad signal sent by the Prime Minister”, arguing that “it is not Marine Le Pen who should dictate the line or conduct of the government”.

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Michel Barnier (finally) has a government

Are they at an impasse? Less than a week before Michel Barnier’s general policy speech, while his very right-wing government has been appointed, the deputies of the presidential camp are torn. The reprimanding of one of their own on Tuesday by the Prime Minister has further accentuated their doubts, particularly on the weight of Marine Le Pen on the casting or the future political orientations of the government. After having said that he did not wish to work with the National Rally (a red line set by the party, editor’s note), which “does not belong”according to him, “the republican arc”the Minister of the Economy was severely reprimanded by Matignon, before backpedaling.

“Antoine Armand’s public reprimand is a very bad signal sent by the Prime Minister. A government anxious to call Marine Le Pen straight away to reassure her at the slightest annoyance does not represent my values. Blocking the RN only to end up being subject to it?”asked the deputy of Maine-et- Denis Masséglia. “Support for Antoine Armand: the RN is not in the Republican arc”assured the elected representative of Together for the Republic of Côtes-d’Armor, Eric Bothorel. “We do not negotiate our program with the RN. It must be simple and clear,” added MP David Amiel. “No negotiation or compromise with the RN. Total support for Minister Antoine Armand”wrote on X Marie-Pierre Rixain, deputy of Essonne.

“It is not Marine Le Pen who should dictate the line or conduct of the government”

“It can’t work like this! It’s not Marine Le Pen who should dictate the line or conduct of the Barnier government but Barnier himself, who, let’s remember, is at the head of a coalition government.”, “I am worried about Marine Le Pen’s weight for the future”another told TF1 and LCI on condition of anonymity. “Yes, Antoine Arnaud is legitimate, like me, like the millions of French people who voted for the Republican Front, to consider that the National Rally is not part of the Republican arc”also assured Stella Dupont, elected representative of Maine-et-Loire, who does not prevent herself from voting for censure after the appointment of a government “too right-wing and does not reflect the aspirations of the French”.

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Tuesday’s reframing has revived debates within the Ensemble pour la République group led by Gabriel Attal, which is wondering about the conditions that must be met to support the government and beyond what limit to censure it. Tensions between the left wing and the right wing of the group, in particular, which force the former Prime Minister to play the balancing act, and to place his own within the government while demanding guarantees from Michel Barnier on several subjects such as taxes or societal issues.



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