DayFR Euro

FOOTBALL – Ligue 2: Alexandre Mendy causes ’ loss in

By scoring his team’s two goals, Alexandre Mendy allowed to win against a tenacious team that did not disgrace itself but ultimately came away with zero points.

Régis Gurtner’s teammates were hoping to repeat the feat of their elders who, in August 2001, had triumphed at the Ornano stadium (4-2). Compared to last Friday, Omar Daf had only made one real change in central defense since Jaouab was on the bench, Urhoghide was a starter. Corchia and Kaiboué were absent which was not a surprise while on the bench, the young Louis Moussier was still present and would finally be called up at the end of the match.

The first half was to be for half an hour almost to the advantage of the Normans who dominated, had possession and especially accumulated corners. The Amiens had difficulty keeping the ball. Caen had to open the score through Mendy at the end of a great collective action on the ground (13th). This goal would allow the Amiens to raise their heads, to launch attacks on the right side especially through Leautey very lively and by far the most dangerous. The Amiens were rewarded by a goal from Mafouta who, at the far left post, took a ball sent by Boya (25th). This goal obviously cast a chill in the Ornano stadium and for the ASC, it was its first goal this season on opposing ground.

In the second half, Amiens played more offensively and that’s how Lutin unleashed a superb shot, on target and that the Norman goalkeeper saved for a corner (57th). Caen resumed its pressure and Gurtner was injured and remained on the ground for a few minutes while Sauvage prepared to replace her. Twice, one after the other, Caen almost scored, first through Brahimi whose header hit the bar and Mendy who narrowly failed and ten minutes from the end, Alexandre Mendy was the author of a second goal following an action led on the left and finished victoriously.

Certainly the Amiens scored a goal on the opposing ground but they are still looking for their first away point. The meeting is set for Friday, with who lost to , and who will come to the Licorne.

Caen – Amiens SC: 2-1 (1-1)

Referee Mr. Thierry Bouille
Goals: Alexandre Gomis 13th and 80th for Caen; Mafouta 25th for Amiens
Warnings: Owen Gene 29th, Boya 73rd in Amiens.
Amiens SC: Gurtner- Mamadou Fofana, Urhoghide, Vita, Bakayopko, Gene, Lutin puis Chibozo 87e, Boya, Leautey, Mafouta, Kandil.
Coach Omar Dar

Lionel Herbet
Photo credit: Léandre Leber – Gazette Sports


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