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[EDITO] An OQTF suspected of Philippine’s murder: the vicious circle accelerates

The new Minister of Justice Didier Migaud has just stated this in front of the cameras: ” there is no such thing as lax justice “A few hours later, the Swiss police arrested the alleged murderer of the young Filipina, 19, a student at Dauphine University, whose body was discovered last Saturday in the de Boulogne near (Read our articles).

The suspect is a 22-year-old Moroccan, subject to an OQTF (Obligation to Leave French Territory) since June 18. A dangerous man. He was sentenced to seven years in prison by the juvenile assize court for the rape of a young girl in a wood in (Val d’Oise). A crime committed shortly after his arrival on French territory.

On September 3, this dangerous man leaves his detention center, by decision of a French liberty judge who will sleep peacefully in his bed. The next day, Morocco issues the consular pass: it is too late. The man is gone. Two weeks later, he is suspected of having massacred a young girl, mourning a family, traumatizing Dauphine University and worrying many families who realize that letting their daughter out in the middle of the afternoon puts her at mortal risk. In .

The same causes, seen, reviewed, denounced, repeated, cause the same effects. The vicious circle of border suppression-unbridled immigration-judicial laxity against a backdrop of irenicism of a part of the self-proclaimed elite is accelerating the pace. It reverses the order of things: French or European politicians, the magistrates responsible for protecting the French population are putting it in danger. The globalist dream and the bias of the guilty party are paid for in tears of blood. The victims are piling up and there is no reason to predict for the moment that this tragic slope will reverse. Lucie Castets always explains that illegal immigrants must be regularized en masse. But she is not in power. Those truly responsible, the blind and deaf borderless people, in France and in Europe, are bowing their backs under the machine-gun fire, talking to avoid acting, standing up and continuing their work.

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