DayFR Euro

Slight drop in fuel prices, new increases at the pump soon?

Thus, the price of diesel decreases between September 13 and 20. It drops by 0.7 euro cents, to currently stand at €1.5819/L, compared to €1.5887/L a week earlier. Naturally, this is an average in , according to data from the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Prices can therefore be higher or lower, as in Île-de-France, where they are nevertheless falling significantly.

Diesel prices have been lower and lower recently. Except that this week’s drop is much less than the previous week’s. Last Tuesday, we announced that this fuel had lost 2.3 euro cents in one week. This followed a week of price increases. A first, after seven weeks of decreases. The price has been decreasing since then.

Gasoline down slightly, SP95 even rising

The trend is similar for gasoline. The price is still falling this week. But it is small, with only 0.2 euro cents of fall for SP95-E10. The price is therefore displayed at €1.6774/L. The price of SP98 also falls slightly, from €1.7866/L to €1.7770/L.

On the other hand, the price of SP95 is rising. The price per liter has gone from €1.7175 last week to €1.7188/L. Is this an increase heralding bad weeks to come for motorists?

Fuel prices between September 13 and 20

(Price of September 13 / Price of September 20)

  • Diesel – 1.5887 / 1.5819 €/L
  • SP95-E10 – 1.6791 / 1.6774 €/L
  • SP95 – 1.7175 / 1.7188 €/L
  • SP98 – 1.7866 / 1.7770 €/L

The price of oil is also rising

Because, at the same time, the price of dated Brent oil increased over the same period. It went from $71.9 to $74.5, up $2.6 over the week.

However, a potential increase in oil prices would quickly be felt in pump prices. It remains to be seen how this will evolve. The price of oil is already very low at present. Have we reached the floor price for fuel?

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To summarize

Fuel prices are falling again in September 2024. However, the drop is small compared to previous weeks, less than one euro cent. This is while the price of oil is rising over the same period.


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