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IOC President receives “Leadership in Post Conflict Development” award

FPCD was founded in New York in 2005. It promotes global peace and development by helping communities recovering from conflict emerge from fragility. Its initiatives focus on maternal health, youth empowerment, environmental programs and diplomacy.

Accepting the award, the IOC President told Prince Albert and the Foundation: “I would like to thank you and the Foundation for this great honour in awarding me this prestigious prize and, through me, to the entire IOC. This award is for all those who support the unifying mission of the IOC. This mission is currently going against the spirit of the times. The signs do not point to unification, but to division, separation and decoupling. We are very proud that the Olympic Games 2024 have been able to send a different signal and message in this complex situation. People all over the world are looking for something that unites us; they are tired of hatred, aggression, wars and killings.”

After highlighting the contribution of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Paris 2024 to a culture of peace that resonated around the world, with the Games watched by more than half of the world’s population, the IOC President concluded his speech by saying: “We take this award as an encouragement to continue working towards this unifying mission and towards the creation of a culture of peace.”


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