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Bordères-sur-l’Échez. In gold, pink and blue, against cancer

Golden September for pediatric cancers, Pink October for breast cancer and Movember for prostate cancer… From mid-September until November 15, the Amicale du personnel communal, as in previous years, is mobilizing against cancers and invites the people of Border to participate in the operation to help research through the League.

Before entering the town hall, sparkling garlands are already fluttering in the wind, announcing the colour of this golden September. For several years, the month of September has been dedicated to the fight against childhood cancers. Each year in , nearly 2,500 children, adolescents and young adults are affected by these diseases. Described as rare, these cancers, very different from those in adults, are the leading cause of death by disease in those under 20. The League is today the only associative financer of research into childhood, adolescent and young adult cancers, developing a specific, recurring funding programme with a dedicated budget envelope.

In the town hall lobby, objects, crocheted or fabric animals, made by the Petites Mains, are sold… Raffle tickets for €1 allow you to win, after a draw, pretty prizes (nearly forty) currently on display in the entrance. Sales of homemade cakes, specialties of the ladies of the Amicale, will be organized: Friday September 27, Friday October 18 and Friday November 15, at the town hall.

In October, pink will dominate, with an exhibition and sale of paintings on the first floor of the town hall by the Association of Borderais Painters and Artists.

In November, Movember will be wearing blue and a moustache to raise awareness of male cancers.

So, come to the town hall and for a few euros, you will have the opportunity to support this great cause and all the members of this Association who, every year, mobilize to offer a nice check to the leaders of the League against cancer.


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