DayFR Euro

Bruno Lage: “Fico very satisfied with my exhibition, my personality and for termos jogado em equipa”

Bruno Lage, coach of Benfica, was most satisfied with Boavista’s victory, 3-0, no time in 6 days, even as he responded to the team after he played well in the week, like Estrela Vermelha (2 -1), na Liga dos Campeões.

Analyze the game: “Faith a very strong entry into our part. It was our plan. It’s mudar or chip, we’re going to be very good, we’re going to play as a team, we’re going to be able to do it. We’re very happy with my exibição, I’m going to go, I’m going to be personal and at the end of the day I’m going to play. em equipa. Play with talent and how to work with the team.”

Second part: “At the beginning, we had a good start, we won 3-0 but that’s it. And we had a sequence that was a game of Champions, with a long life. We had the team to recover. jogo. A medida que o jogo faith chegando a meio da segunda parte fomos para dar frescura.

Importance of golo by Arthur Cabral: “Euwheno cheguei falei com todos e disse ‘let’s all come to zero.’ “If you’re a jogger, you’ll have to contribute to your team. They’re going to be happy.”

Two people dance in eleven: “E olhar semper para o plantel e para o rendimento de cada jogador. Ivemos muitos jogadores a chegar recentlymente, com duas semanas de trabalho. É olhar para o jogo, momento de cada um e decidir a melhor strategia. Acho que correu muito bem, “A dynamic has never been said since then, it’s the first time I’m happy.”


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