DayFR Euro

Bacci acha that the result was overweight, Pérez realça capacidade de luta – I Liga

No final of the game of Benfica, and that saidou lost by 0-3, where coach of Boavista, Cristiano Bacci, sublinhou that a first opportunity of golo faith of the axadrezados; apesar disso o italiano afirmou que a vitória das águias foi justa.

“O Benfica enters very strong, no precision of size or value of the advanced ones. But a primeira ocasião faith oursa. Não aproveitámos e depois os jogos podem virar. O Benfica merceu a vitória mas podíamos ter marcado, na primeira e segunda parte”, said Bacci.

Your panteras trainer was given the pressure capacity of your team, a hundred years later, without your opinion, or the result was weighed by your team.

“Tentámos pressurear em cima, no ficámos a espera de les, no temos medo de pressurear. A team reacted bem aos golos but se calhar faith demasiado o terceiro golo, a equipa não merecia. Resultado weighed? Acho que sim”, realçou.

Bacci terminou deixando elogios para os seus jogadores, que deram tudo o que tinham até final.

“We have many opportunities to mark our games as we know them. It’s clear that it’s difficult to compete with the teams of the players but it’s very happy with the attitude of them, it’s always the end result. .

I have the capitão Seba Pérez affirms that Boavista tries to discuss the game of his initial sympathy, but we do not believe we are able to fight against Benfica.

“Acho que tentámos desde de l’primiro minuteuto, tínhamos em frente uma equipa muito boa, com grande jogadores e nos tentámos, lutámos, mas agora é já penser no próximo jogo”, says the jogador axadrezado.

O medio says ainda that as panteras sabiam that the adversary I attempt to mark this do, but that I still assim faith difficult to oppose our lisboetas.

“Sim, we know that we are trying to make the move, because we are still in the League of Camps, we are in a good number of clubs and, although we are in a good position, we are going to be on the other side but calm down, but it is difficult to get along with our team.” , afirmou.


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