DayFR Euro

Murder of a violent partner in : the alleged perpetrator of the stabbing “placed in compulsory hospitalization”

The alleged perpetrator of the stabbing that caused the death of her partner, on the night of Saturday to Sunday in , was “ placed in compulsory hospitalization“, indicated Samuel Finielz, public prosecutor, on Monday.

The 49-year-old woman herself reported stabbing the man. He was wounded in the abdomen and died after emergency services arrived at the apartment occupied by the couple, in one of the buildings of the La Closerie social housing complex.

According to police sources, the events occurred in a context of habitual violence within this couple who were supposed to be separated. Once housed in a foster home, the forty-year-old had moved in with her mother.

Mental disorders

The man was unfavourably known for such acts, and his partner showed signs consistent with the hypothesis that she had been beaten on the night of the tragedy.

Placed in police custody, the accused was subject to compulsory hospitalization – after being seen by a specialist doctor – due to his mental state.

The investigation into the crime of “intentional homicide” opened this Sunday is nevertheless continuing, the prosecution said.


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