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SDM tells us about his favorite Charles Aznavour song

Last week, we welcomed SDM to our home to do a Track ID interview. In his list of songs that have marked his life, the 92i artist cited a great song by Charles Aznavour: “Comme ils disent”.

SDM first discovered this legend of French song in the town where he grew up: “In , there is a large Armenian community. That’s how I met Aznavour, thanks to a friend in primary school who is Armenian.”

Then he discovers his genius. “Truth be told, Charles Aznavour, I’m a fan of 97% of his discography, but if I have to choose one song, it’s ‘Comme ils disent’”he says.

We could have imagined him quoting “Hier encore”, the title he covered on COLORS in 2022, but what SDM particularly remembers about Charles Aznavour is his ability to tell a story that is not his own.

In “Comme ils disent”, Aznavour puts himself in the shoes of a man who cross-dresses at night. A powerful storytelling lasting nearly five minutes. “I thought it was beautiful.”he said, before adding: “He is the artist who has touched me the most in terms of French variety, along with Renaud too, who I like a lot.”
