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Tahar Rahim and Leïla Bekhti, protective parents: “We protect our own lives”

They are one of the most glamorous couples in French cinema, and yet, we almost never see them posing together on the red carpet. Married since 2010, Leïla Bekhti and Tahar Rahim have always prioritized their intimacy over any staging of their love on the media stage. On the occasion of the upcoming release of Mr. Aznavourdirected by Mehdi Idir and Grand Corps Malade and in theaters on October 23, the 43-year-old actor was invited to star in the portrait of the week of Seven to Eightthis Sunday, September 22. Returning to the relationship with fatherhood of the singer to whom he lends his features, the actor spoke about his own relationship with his four children, whose faces no one knows and whom he and his wife have always covered with anonymity.

“Protecting my children also means [les faire évoluer loin du star-système]. Don’t subject them to some form of notoriety or something that is not natural. Like someone who comes to take a picture with you and says nice things to you even though you don’t know them.”he claimed in front of Audrey Crespo-Mara. “I don’t want my children to think that they have a privilege because of their parents’ job, never in their life. And we preserve our own lives, our relationship, our privacy.”he added, speaking of his duet with Leïla Bekhti.

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How Tahar Rahim and Leïla Bekhti manage their celebrity with their 4 children

However, hiding their celebrity is not always easy for the two actors, among the great favourites of the French seventh art, and international in the case of Tahar Rahim. “They are a little too young to realize our fame. I am starting to explain a little to my eldest, who is 7 years old.”he also confided before telling an amusing anecdote concerning his eldest son. “One day I was taking him to school and we came across a movie poster with his mom. And I thought, ‘How am I going to explain this to him?’ So I said, ‘Mom couldn’t come with you, so she put pictures of herself all over the place to tell you how much she loves you and that she’s here with you. He was so happy.”said the man who became known for his role in A Prophet.

The actor does not always leave his roles at the door of the house, as his wife testifies in the magazine Monde. “Do you know that this movie almost cost you your relationship?” the interviewer asks Tahar Rahim on September 22. “I can’t take it anymore. I hear Charles Aznavour who yells at my children at home, it’s becoming embarrassing’”quotes the journalist in front of the hilarious actor, certainly remembering certain scenes from life.

Photo credits: TF1 screenshot


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