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Today’s question: Are you satisfied with the composition of Michel Barnier’s government?

Michel Barnier will attempt to respond to the criticism this Sunday evening on 2, while his government, barely formed, is already marked by tensions with the deputies of the central bloc and under threat of censorship from the left and the National Rally.

A motion of censure will be tabled by the left just after the Prime Minister’s general policy statement, scheduled for October 1, confirmed PS boss Olivier Faure on France 3. However, he noted that it would probably not be voted on by the National Rally and was probably doomed to failure .

The National Front party is waiting to learn more about the development of the 2025 budget before making a decision. We obviously reserve the right to censor at that time, declared on franceinfo its vice-president Sébastien Chenu.

The fragile centre-right coalition was also immediately marked by tensions between the Prime Minister and the central bloc of the President, who had governed unchallenged for seven years.

The Macronist group in the Assembly will remain faithful to its values ​​and free in its positions declared Gabriel Attal, leader of the deputies Together for the Republic (EPR, ex-Renaissance), during a meeting Sunday with his troops.

It is the most right-wing government of the Fifth Republic.

— Olivier Faure, First Secretary of the Socialist Party

He asks the Prime Minister to clearly state in its general policy statement that there will be no going back on medically assisted procreation, the right to abortion, LGBT rights according to participants at the meeting, reporting that fundamental disagreements with certain personalities .

The cause in particular is the arrival at the Ministry of the Interior of LR Bruno Retailleau, who has a very conservative profile on social issues and is very firm on immigration.

The entry into government (Secretary of State for Consumer Affairs) of Les Républicains senator Laurence Garnier, opposed to same-sex marriage and the constitutionalisation of abortion, also raises eyebrows, as does that of LR Patrick Hetzel in Higher Education.

It’s the government the most right-wing of the Fifth Republic said Olivier Faure.

How can Michel Barnier try to defuse the situation? His entourage and France Télévisions announced his presence on Sunday evening’s 8:00 p.m. news on France 2. Before that, he will meet visitors to the Heritage Days at Matignon.

The first official steps of the 39 new ministers will not take place until Monday, with a breakfast on rue de Varenne before the transfer of power in the morning and a Council of Ministers at 3 p.m. at the Elysée around Emmanuel Macron.

Very tense context

The preparation of the budget, which has already been delayed by an unprecedented amount, is the number one emergency in a very tense context. As a sign of its importance, Michel Barnier wanted to keep an eye on this explosive issue by placing Macron’s Minister of Public Accounts Laurent Saint-Martin under his direct supervision.

Exclude automatically certain exceptional and targeted levies would not be responsible given the state of public finances, estimated in the Journal du Dimanche the new Minister of Economy and Finance, the young Macronist Antoine Armand. He also promised to reduce public spending .

Among the names known to the public, Rachida Dati remains in Culture, and Sébastien Lecornu in the Armed Forces.

The rare survivors are the MoDem’s Jean-Noël Barrot, promoted to Foreign Affairs, as well as the Macronists Catherine Vautrin, who is moving to the Territories, and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, in a large ministry of Ecological Transition and Energy.

Among the new entrants, the main surprise is the Renaissance MP Anne Genetet for Education, who is better known for defence issues.

The teachers’ unions are already firing broadsides at the minister, a casting error in view of the stakes for the school for Sophie Vénétitay, general secretary of Snes-FSU. In anger Guislaine David, general secretary of FSU-Snuipp, deplores the appointment of a clone of Gabriel Attal to continue the policy initiated .

Two weeks after the end of the Paralympic Games, associations are also concerned about the absence of disability in the titles of ministries.

The only take came from the left, while Emmanuel Macron advocated a government of gathering and that Michel Barnier has tried hard to attract social democrats: Didier Migaud to Justice. But the former socialist deputy has left active politics since 2010.

Forced to give up some of his prerogatives in this coalition situation, the head of state is concentrating on the international with a speech on Sunday in on the theme of conflicts and peace before the Sant’Egidio community, close to the Vatican. He will be in New York on Tuesday and Wednesday at the UN General Assembly.


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