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Federal Votes: Autopsy of a Double “No” with the Swiss Press in the Role of the Medical Examiner

Published on September 23, 2024 at 05:10. / Modified on September 23, 2024 at 06:54.

A stinging defeat on both sides of the Swiss political spectrum. 1-1, ball in the center? It is not as simple as that and it is interesting to examine this torpedoing of the reform of the 2nd pillar and the initiative on biodiversity by opening the Swiss press. After any debacle, we must point the finger at those responsible. And the latter are easy to find, in the person of the bearers of these two texts. Each of these two campaigns was poorly controlled, giving the opponents free rein for a standing KO this Sunday.

Let’s start in the reading direction, with the left, which had everything it needed to do well to protect a biodiversity that we know is in danger, but without managing to convince, recalls the NZZ: “Even if surveys show that many citizens are concerned about preserving nature and the landscape, the initiators have not managed to demonstrate to the majority the urgency of their concerns.” The rhetoric of the no camp has managed to dictate the tempo in the face of initiators entangled in a “campaign that they have not mastered”, we read in our columns. Result of the races: a boulevard for the referendum, Albert Rösti in the lead: “The former lobbyist for non-renewable energies only has to come out with his pragmatic smile that the return of the grey heron proves that there is no biodiversity problem for it to pass. Besides, we have bothered the farmers enough as it is”, writes ironically 24 Hours.

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