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Eric Ciotti announces that he is leaving Les Républicains

POLITICS – Upheaval to come within the Republicans. In an interview with Figaro This Sunday, September 22, Éric Ciotti announced that he was leaving the presidency of the right-wing party, the day after the appointment of Michel Barnier’s government.

“I still had some hope that Michel Barnier would be able to impose his mark but the configuration of the government shows that this will not be the case. I am leaving a compromised team but I am not breaking with my personal history, that of the Gaullist activist that I have always been and that I remain.”declares Eric Ciotti in the columns of the daily newspaper.

“My decision to leave LR will allow us to rebuild a large political family with clarity and independence”believes the MP, who launched his own party at the end of August, called the Union of the Right for the Republic (UDR).

This decision comes three weeks before the hearing scheduled for October 14 where the courts were to rule on the exclusion by LR leaders of their president, who had refused to give up his functions and his office.

“I have won three times (in court) and I had no concerns about the hearing on October 14”underlines Eric Ciotti, who chairs a group of 16 deputies in the Assembly. But the audience “no longer has any purpose, since I will have left the LR presidency and the LR party by then”.

Assuring that he had informed both the leader of the LR deputies Laurent Wauquiez and Marine Le Pen of his decision, Éric Ciotti launched a new appeal to the LR elected representatives to join him in order to consolidate what he presents as an Italian-style union of the right, which would go from the centre-right to the extreme right.

The succession is open at LR

His decision comes the day after LR Prime Minister Michel Barnier announced the composition of his government, which includes several members of his former party, such as Senator Bruno Retailleau, appointed to the Interior, and LR Secretary General Annie Genevard to Agriculture.

“It will no longer be possible to work with those who are in Emmanuel Macron’s government”he deplores, stressing however that the president of the Association of Mayors of (AMF) David Lisnard, the MEP François-Xavier Bellamy and Laurent Wauquiez “did not fall into this grotesque caricature and this crude trap set by Emmanuel Macron”.

After his alliance with the RN, Éric Ciotti kept his constituency of , but he has only managed to bring with him for the moment one LR deputy, Christelle d’Intorni, also in the Alpes-Maritimes.

This departure now opens the way to the designation of the new president of the Republicans, for which Laurent Wauquiez could run, according to internal sources.

The president of the group of 47 LR deputies in the Assembly, called La Droite républicaine (LR), has chosen not to participate in Mr. Barnier’s government after having refused the Ministry of Finance.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Michel Barnier’s government: Jean-Luc Mélenchon already denounces “the return of the UMP”

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