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Salama Ramia, first Mahoran woman to enter the Senate

A Mahorais entering the government is a first for Mayotte. Now Thani Mohamed Soilihi leaves his mandate as senator to his substitute Salama Ramia. Officially the first female Senator of Mayotte.

Halda Halidi, Chamsudine Ali

Published on September 21, 2024 at 10:23 p.m.,
updated on September 22, 2024 at 11:28 a.m.

This is what is called the domino effect. A double surprise for the Mahorais. Senator Thani Mohamed Soilihi joins the Barnier government. Attached to the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, he will be in charge of the Francophonie and international partnerships. A position that should give him an important role in the negotiations for the recognition of Mayotte on the regional and international level. Above all, he leaves his mandate as Senator to his substitute Salama Ramia. The deputy mayor of Pamandzi thus becomes the first Mahoran Senator.

  • Experience in the business world

Salama Ramia has spent her entire professional career with entrepreneurs and artisans in Mayotte. She worked under the presidency of the late Adrien Giraud at the Professional Chamber before the creation of the consular chambers, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture and the Chamber of Trades and Crafts where she is the director of economic development.

The daughter of the late Ramia Maliki, a veteran who retired with the rank of warrant officer, is no novice in politics. She is the fourth deputy mayor in charge of economic development in the commune of Pamandzi after having been a municipal councilor during the previous term.

  • Three Mahoran women parliamentarians

She is one of the closest advisors to the president of the association of mayors of Mayotte, Madi Soufou who is also the mayor of Pamandzi; they are from the same party (the Movement for the Development of Mayotte); leaving for the Palais de Luxembourg. Another consequence, with Estelle Youssouffa and Anchia Bamana in the National Assembly, our territory now has three women parliamentarians in Mayotte. A new dynamic for the territory.


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