DayFR Euro

Top 14 – “We’re still getting used to it, but it can’t last six months!” complains Christophe Urios, after Clermont –

Despite Clermont’s bonus victory over (26-10), Christophe Urios was very frustrated at the end of the match. The ASM manager particularly pointed out his speech on the management of try opportunities and the end of the match…

Christophe, what did you appreciate and regret after this bonus victory?

I liked the resultthe offensive bonus and not having any injuries. I also liked our high-class movements… at times. And I didn’t like everything else. We’re still getting used to it. We’re so far above the game that we can’t scare ourselves. We lost four balls in the scoring zone and that’s not possible! And that’s called being demanding. We have work to do on this balance between forwards and three-quarters. We have to score several times and the end of the game is not good. There’s still work to do.

Are you particularly disappointed with the performance of your replacements?

No comments.

Etienne Fourcade was unlucky in the lineout against Racing and this Saturday, is he lacking confidence?

Indeed, I think that Etienne has a confidence problem and we need to talk with him. But what annoys me, at the end of the match, is that Killian Tixeront has to take responsibility! We make complicated touches with Anthime Hemery when I would have liked to see him jump first and secure our last balls. That’s why he came on! I told him, by the way. We’re putting the hooker in difficulty and that’s not possible. It’s the third match of the season, everyone is getting used to it, players and staff, but we need to raise our level in terms of demands. I hope we’re not a weekday team that trains well. It frustrates me because there’s so much quality in this group.

Did Alex Newsome’s essay still make you smile?

I’m not a show guy, but I want to see guys who take responsibility like Alivereti Raka did when he crossed the entire field. And then? We play with our feet and we give them the ball back… I don’t want to see that, we have to be able to set off firecrackers! Everyone wants to score but it’s not possible. There’s a lot of frustration because we have to get paid.

Were not all these test opportunities made possible by the pale Bayonne copy?

It’s not my problem. I saw of Bayonne what I saw last week (Editor’s note: defeat at ). The main lesson is that we are in the running-in phase but it must not last six months! A match is eighty minutes. I am happy because we took five points, but I want us to do more in the forward-three-quarter relay and in defense. How can we get caught out at the end of the match? It’s not possible! If they don’t make a forward pass, they must score on one of their last scrums.

Also read:
Top 14 – “False promises”: Midol’s opinion after Clermont – Bayonne

Clermont have ten points from three games. Are you on target or do you think you need one or two more points?

I work on cycles of four matches, so we will see after the trip to , where it is never easy to win. That is when we will see if we are in our time of passage.

A word on the performance of Giorgi Akhaladze, who scored twice. Did you expect so much for his first start?

Giorgi is one of those players who have temperament and character. But I wasn’t worried, even if there are so many changes between the Pro D2 and the Top 14. Already, against Racing 92, he was one of the only ones to move forward. I see his behavior as a man on the field, it’s good. Like Pita Gus Sowakula, who was very good. But I repeat, collectively we must be able to do better. When Peceli Yato gets caught on the goal line in the first half… He must score! I am not patient with these things.

Also read:
Top 14 – Clermont – Bayonne ratings: Fritz Lee as a good veteran, Giorgi Akhaladze at the party…

Benjamin Urdapilleta did not enter. Was that planned?
Indeed, even if it was important that he be on the bench. And even if he complains, he will calm down (laughs).


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