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Attempted murder in , main suspect indicted and imprisoned

The case is now taking a criminal turn. The 30-year-old man who was taken into custody last Wednesday in connection with the knife attack on two youths in the Saint-Jean district of was indicted this Friday. The public prosecutor of Senlis, Loïc Abrial, indicates that the investigating judge of Senlis has opened “a criminal judicial investigation for the facts of attempted murder but also for facts of aggravated violence, against X, of which this same individual was the victim on September 15, 2024 in Beauvais.”

Many gray areas remain in this case, but the scenario of a fight that went wrong is beginning to emerge. On the night of Saturday 14 to Sunday 15 September, a fight broke out near the city stadium in this district classified as a priority urban zone (ZUP). The events took place between 2 and 3 a.m., according to witnesses.

The next day, the residents were preparing to celebrate their neighborhood party. But that night, two young people were stabbed and taken to the hospital by their relatives. The nature of the injuries prompted the medical staff to notify the police “of the care of two victims of stab wounds to the abdomen and chest,” said Frédéric Trinh, public prosecutor of Beauvais at the end of the week.

Hospitalized, placed in police custody, he is now in provisional detention

But this fight did not only claim these two victims. The investigation identified a third individual aged 30 and the main suspect in this case. The alleged perpetrator of the stabbings was found. He too was injured. “He himself had been the victim of violence and had to be taken care of by the emergency services,” continues Frédéric Trinh.

Following his hospitalization, the man was taken into custody on Wednesday, September 18, at the premises of the Beauvais judicial police department. While he admitted to having been in possession of a knife that evening, he denied, however, having struck the two victims.

Forty-eight hours later, the thirty-year-old was brought before the investigating judge of the Senlis criminal division. He has a heavy criminal record marked by acts of violence. In view of the evidence gathered during the preliminary investigation, “he was indicted and placed in detention by the judge of liberties and detention,” confirms Loïc Abrial.

The crime of attempted murder is punishable by 30 years of criminal imprisonment. The magistrate recalls that at this stage of the investigations, which are now continuing under the authority of the investigating judge, “the person under investigation remains presumed innocent.”


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