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Learn how to make natural laundry detergent thanks to the sustainable development day in

How can we best reduce our waste, optimize its recycling, give new life to everyday objects and products? It is precisely to learn more in this area that () is hosting the Sustainable Development Day at the Victor-Hugo space, Saturday, September 21, 2024.

Giving a second life to objects

Participants will be able to discover, from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., a free market where everyone can bring or take an object, with the aim of giving it a new life. At the same time, a game will be set up for children, to teach them how to sort and raise awareness about reducing waste.

Throughout the day, visitors will also be able to take part in a workshop to make their own natural laundry detergent, with a few simple ingredients. But also witness the recycling of cigarette butts, a real aberration for the planet.

The most motivated will be able to take part in a green walk organised by the City at 2.30pm, or in a “from waste to object” workshop, bringing back their own washed and unlabelled rubbish.


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