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Siamorphose Project in : the two selected islets have been revealed

“It’s a bold project that has not been fully validated,” said Yohann Nédélec, the deputy mayor in charge of the city center, as he launched the restitution meeting of the consultation on the Siamorphose project this Friday evening, in the Richelieu room of the city hall, in front of around fifty people. As a reminder, this project launched after the metropolis was designated the winner of a call for expressions of interest aims to rehabilitate two private blocks in the Siam sector (which has 96 for 6,666 homes in total), by acting on housing, the living environment and nature. This program is intended to be replicable on other blocks in the center of the rebuilt . In light of a major diagnostic and consultation phase which involved nearly 500 participants, development intentions have now been outlined (planting, creation of common areas: collective gardens, laundry, bicycle storage, improved accessibility, etc.), and the two blocks have been selected.

  • 2 Which two islets were selected and why?

The first is the Pasteur block, located between rue de Siam and the Louis-Pasteur wheel, at the intersection of rue de Traverse and rue Ducouëdic. If it was selected, it is first of all because the residents there have strongly expressed their desire to act. It also appears that the garages are dilapidated, and that there is therefore a clear interest in intervening. The typology of the buildings also offers potential for raising. Finally, it is a fairly small block, in which it will undoubtedly be easier to wipe the plaster of this unprecedented approach which cannot be done without the approval of the co-owners and residents. The second is the Jean-Moulin block, at the intersection of rue Pierre-Puget and rue du 2e RIC. Located in a more residential area, this block which runs along the boulevard of the same name, semi-enclosed, has a uniformity of facades which can facilitate interventions.

  • 3 What next for the project?

There are three months left to work on the project in more detail and develop an attractive copy that will appeal to the Banque des Territoires, which will decide whether or not to provide financial support for the renovation of the two blocks. To do this, a series of workshops with the co-owners and residents will begin, with three meetings on September 21, October 19 and November 23, 2024 for the Pasteur block, and on October 12, November 9 and December 7 for the Jean-Moulin block. At the same time, experts will continue to think about the legal structuring of a model that does not yet exist.

  • 4 With what assistance?

While the co-owners present this Friday evening welcomed an “exciting” project, many questions remain. The most important is obviously financial, because everyone is wondering what the remaining cost will be despite the support of the State. “The objective is to create a sustainable model, but it is a fundamental question that we do not know how to answer today”, admitted Tifenn Quiguer, vice-president of Brest Métropole in charge of development and urban planning, who no longer puts forward the figure of €10 million that had been previously mentioned. One of the owners concerned pointed out that not everyone has the same income, and that it would therefore be appropriate to take into account the capacities of each.


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