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Flood management and prevention: major works and structures announced in Touba and in areas at high risk of flooding

The Director of Flood Management and Prevention has announced major works with the installation of second generation structures to fight more effectively against flooding in Touba and in others flood zones of the country. Madické Cissé chaired the regional consultations on hydraulics and sanitation in Saint-Louis as a prelude to the national consultation planned for current of the month of October. He sympathized with the pain of the affected populations before reassuring them of the support and assistance that the government will provide them.

The flood situation in Touba does not leave the government authorities indifferent, who will provide all necessary assistance to the affected populations. The assurance is made by the Director of Flood Management and Prevention, Madické Cissé, who chaired the regional consultations on Hydraulics and Sanitation with the Governor of Saint-Louis, Al Hassan Sall. This ceremony, he said, aims to exchange with all territorial stakeholders in the region to discuss issues of hydraulics and sanitation in their localities. Madické Cissé revealed that the State is working on solutions for flood management in the context of climate change. “The Minister of Hydraulics and Sanitation inaugurated a weather radar on September 12. Today, we have set up this device in Diamniadio to monitor the entire Dakar region and part of the Thiès region, that is to say from Mbour to Tivaouane, and we also intend to increase these actions for the control of climate information and the exact knowledge of meteorological phenomena,” he said while announcing a vast communication and information campaign so that people can no longer occupy areas at high risk of flooding. The localities concerned are Touba, Diourbel, Kaolack, Kaffrine, Fatick, Kolda, Kédougou and Tambacounda. “We are also in the process of setting up second-generation structures in Touba that can drain 60,000 m3 of water, or 600 million liters of water in 1 hour. Today, the canals have already been built and all we have left is the basin. As soon as we finish it, you will see that the system will be much more effective and we hope that before the next winter we will completely finish this basin, which will give capital importance to the 07 km of network because these are channels of dimensions 03 meters wide and 02 meters deep that we are building in Touba and in areas with high flood risks”, concluded Mr. Cissé at the end of this meeting held at the conference room of the Governance of Saint-Louis.



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