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New Caledonia: The Customary Senate cancels its September 24 events

Due to the 6pm curfew and a ban on demonstrations, the events surrounding the Citizenship Festival were to move this year from the Mwâ Kââ to the Customary Senate, on 23 and 24 September, for two days focused on debates, in particular giving a voice to young people from working-class neighbourhoods. The aim: to formulate proposals to weigh in on discussions around the reconstruction of the country.

But that was without taking into account the announcement, this Thursday, September 19, of two deaths by gunshot in Saint-Louis during a gendarmerie operation. In the “climate of tensions resulting from it”the Nouville institution announces “to be constrained” to postpone these days “with great sadness”. And without putting forward, at this stage, other dates.

« Mark this historic moment in your locality »

“We would like to emphasize that September 24 (the date of ’s takeover of the archipelago, editor’s note) is of particular importance in view of the context, and we suggest that the country’s citizens mark, each at their own level in their locality, this historic moment, that is, 171 years of resistance, while raising their heads and building the future,” explains, in a press release Mahe Gowe, the president of the Customary Senate, in partnership with the 150 years later committee, the neighborhood representatives, and the Drubea-Kapumë area.

« In this difficult context, it is crucial to show solidarity, responsibility, and to look out for the lives of all. We call for calm and resilience to rise up against these trials together. The Customary Senate wishes to express its support for the chieftaincy and all the inhabitants of Saint-Louis.

Anthony Tejero for New Caledonians


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