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Puybrun. Beautiful day in China

The garage sale and flea market in the streets of the heart of the fortified town of Puybrun, Sunday September 15, took place under a blue sky with the sun getting hotter and hotter as the day went on. The installation of the stalls in the early morning took place in freezing air… which must have put off a number of exhibitors! The streets reserved for pedestrians in the heart of the fortified town as well as the two squares, Place Grande and Place du Col, had unoccupied spaces, which is usually quite rare. Too bad, because the public came in large numbers to wander through the streets where children’s and adults’ clothes, trinkets, costume jewelry, everyday objects were on display, all these items offered at sometimes ridiculous prices.

That day, the youngest were not forgotten. On Place du Col, a guided pony ride was offered in the streets of the bastide. Around lunchtime, it was really nice to enjoy the sunshine, sitting outside in front of the restaurant on Place Grande or on the low walls of the town hall. The Union Sportive Puybrun Tauriac had set up a refreshment stand among the exhibitors, and in front of the church a barbecue stand where sausage and chips trays as well as sandwiches were offered. After several gloomy days, it was a great day of bargain hunting!


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