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Strong tensions between Macron and Barnier over the composition of the government

A government… but when? Since his appointment on September 5, Prime Minister Michel Barnier has been trying as best he can to form a government, by multiplying consultations with the different political parties.

But according to BFM TV andThe Parisianthe former Brexit negotiator is facing tensions with the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron. “I’m a little worried, it might explode”even let slip to BFM TV an internal source from the Republicans, the party from which Michel Barnier comes.

Macron rejects first list of potential ministers

According to BFM and The Parisian, The head of state, not convinced, refused a first list of a potential government where the Republicans are entrusted with large ministries.

The leader of the Republican deputies Laurent Wauquiez is in charge of managing the Ministry of the Economy, that of the LR senators Bruno Rétailleau for the Interior, and the general secretary of LR Annie Genevard for Agriculture.

The resigning ministers Sébastien Lecornu, Catherine Vautrin and Rachida Dati were also among them, according to BFM TV.

“Macron considers that Matignon, Bercy and Beauveau for LR is too much”one of his interlocutors confided to Le Parisien.

Barnier’s resignation in the balance?

“You were able to negotiate with the English for Brexit, it’s not two or three political parties that are going to hold you back,” the head of state told his Prime Minister, according to comments reported by The Parisian.

Annoyed, Michel Barnier decided to put the pressure on by leaking a possible resignation. Denied by Emmanuel Macron’s entourage.

“The relations between the President and the Prime Minister are very good. It’s moving forward.”confided a close friend of the President of the Republic to BFM TV.

It is not even certain that a government will be formed this week, according to the confidences of an influential LR advisor to Le Parisien.

Consultations continue.


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