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VIDEO. Where do the tensions in come from?

A curfew has been imposed in , in certain districts of Fort-de-, from Wednesday, September 18 until further notice. Since July, mobilizations have multiplied against the high cost of living and urban violence has been added to peaceful demonstrations. The cause: prices in supermarkets, much higher than those practiced in mainland France.

A curfew has been declared in some areas of Fort-de-France (Martinique). These demonstrations have reawakened memories of major mobilizations in Martinique and Guadeloupe in 2009. But 15 years later, the demands are the same.

Prices from single to double

In Martinique, as in other overseas territories, prices in stores are much higher than in France. The Kiprix website lists the differences on the shelves. A pack of private label milk costs €6.30 in mainland France. €9.95 in Martinique. A 1 kg packet of spaghetti costs €1 more in Martinique. A block of butter, double.

Read also: Mobilization against the high cost of living in Martinique: where is the movement?

On average, according to INSEE, food prices are estimated to be 40% more expensive in Martinique than in mainland France. At the same time, 27% of Martinicans live below the poverty line.


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