DayFR Euro

Xavier Niel promises to never change the price of his Free Mobile plan to 2 euros

Far from being a press conference, Xavier Niel’s show was the occasion for a small announcement concerning the future of Free Mobile, or rather a promise.

Launch of the 2 euro package on January 10, 2012 // Source: Free

The launch of Free Mobile in on January 10, 2012 left a lasting mark on the history of mobile plans.

The arrival of the operator has notably allowed the generalization of non-binding packages, free use of Internet access and large data packages in high-end packages.

The other upheaval of Free Mobile is its 2 euro per month package. Launched with emotion by Xavier Niel in response to the “RSA” packages of the three historical operators.

A package of capital importance for Xavier Niel, who has devoted a special place to it in his show.

An anti-package super scam racket »

It is Numerama who had the opportunity to attend the premiere of the show in question in . A long succession of sketches and moments from the billionaire’s life, with an announcement to get your teeth into.

“We will never change the price of the 2 euro package. I will not increase it while I am alive”

Xavier Niel

Since 2022, Free has committed to not changing the price of its mobile plans for 5 years, until 2027. This promise included the other historic plan at 19.99 euros per month. This time, Xavier Niel is focusing on the 2 euro plan, but is going much further by promising no price changes during his lifetime.

To understand this promise, we must go back to the announcement of Free Mobile in 2012. During the operator’s launch conference, Xavier Niel described the RSA package: designed by the oligopoly that has agreed with the State “. A package intended for ” to the most disadvantaged among us “to whom we offered” 40 minutes of voice and 40 text messages » per month for 10 euros. A package « super scam racket » according to Xavier Niel. « The poorer you are, the more I put in your head and the more expensive things I sell you. ” described the billionaire, imitating his competitors.

« Scandalized, really ” by this part of the market, Free Mobile would have decided to launch a second package. It is the famous 2 euro package with 60 minutes and 60 SMS. ” We make a margin on this package by dividing the prices by 14 compared to 2008. ».

Unlimited calls

60 Go en France

5 Go en Europe


SIM Free

Unlimited calls

40 Go – 60 Go en France

15 Go en Europe



Unlimited calls

20 Go en France

16 Go en Europe

All cheap mobile plans

Since then, the package has evolved a lot without changing its price. However, we can add an option to increase it to 2.99 euros per month, gaining valuable advantages.

A very accessible mobile plan that carries a strong symbol and which Xavier Niel most likely does not want to go back on.


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