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Why you should go see “THE GOLDEN VOICE” at the Théâtre La Bruyère

Total crush on “The Golden Voice” has just arrived at the Théâtre Actuel La Bruyère

It’s a biopic that completely captivated me, and made me spin around like a sock in a 60-degree machine. It’s the kind of play that makes you happy, it’s silly, I know, but I can’t say it any other way.

???? It’s Éric Bu who signs the staging – his name must mean something to you if you follow me, because he staged “The return of Richard 3 by the 9:34 train”, I had a-do-red – with Thibaud Houdinière as co-writer.

And to say that it is twirling would be an understatement: the rhythm never weakens, the characters make the sets move and melt into other skins before we have had time to say “it’s crazy”.

????️ What’s it about? The TRUE story of Charles Gentès who had a golden voice, but not necessarily the heart to go with it. His great love story, their shared quest for fame in these post-war years tainted by growing jealousy. The birth of their daughter, their inevitable separation. It’s also the story of a writer who has run out of inspiration and who will be more enthusiastic than ever before about the discovery of this Charles Gentès.

♥️ You’ll like it if you like… @alexismichalik’s pieces.

????What I particularly liked? The drawers of a story that open and close, taking us from one era to another, from one country to another. Hearing songs from that era (I never really knew the reference), by Edith Piaf, Charles Aznavour or even Dalida.

The piano as the only fixed element in this whirlwind. The ultra-lively performances of all the actors. Finding Élodie Menant that I had loved so much in “Est-ce que j’ai une gueule d’Arletty?” and Sandrine Seubille who had amazed me in “Les Téméraires”.

The theater side in the theater with this play that is written at the same time as it is played before our eyes. The suspense crystallized around these unspoken things, these family secrets. The sets that support this impression of passing from one life to another.

THE GOLDEN VOICE »written by Thibaud Houdinière and Éric Bu, directed by Éric Bu. With Sandrine Seubille, Élodie Menant, Grégory Benchenafi, Marc Citti, Benjamin Egner, Charlie Fargialla, Stéphane Isidore (pianist).

11:45 a.m. / Théâtre Actuel / Duration: 1h30 / Closed on Tuesdays / Last on July 29


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