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sports day with the local mission

The Indre Sud local mission organized a football tournament on Friday, September 13, 2024 as part of the national week of local missions, placed under the theme of sport. This meeting brought together around fifty participants in the Jojo Bosch course in Argenton-sur-Creuse. Several matches pitted young people from the Blanc, Argenton, La Châtre branches against partners from Infrep (National Institute for Training and Research on Continuing Education), Travail, the Maison familiale rurale, the Indre Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Army.

Create links and promote exchanges

The main thing was not to win but to create links and encourage exchanges during these meetings accompanied by a snack. The slogan of the day was also “Score points for your future”. On this occasion, Irène Poussy, coordinator of this operation, supervised by her colleagues David Dayet, Cloé Feignon, Jade Boué, and Charlotte Dubois, pointed out that on September 7, eighteen young users of the Indre Sud local mission had traveled to , with the support of the Centre-Val de Regional Olympic and Sports Committee to attend the dressage events of the Paralympic Games after visiting the famous castle.


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