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Christophe Borg, mayor of Pontcharra, has just died at the age of 56

Christophe Borg was a man of convictions, he had managed to make himself appreciated by all through his humanity and his ability to listen, qualities that he put at the service of Pontcharra and his residents,” the municipality declares. For whom “ the city and the territory are losing a committed figure, concerned with serving their neighbor and the general interest “.

After six years in opposition, the right-wing Christophe Borg was elected mayor of Pontcharra in 2014, which ended more than thirty years of the mandate of the outgoing socialist mayor Charles Bich. A solemn tribute will be paid to him at the next public session of the Department, on Friday, September 27, 2024.

The City of Pontcharra announced the death of its mayor Christophe Borg on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. The elected official was also a departmental councilor and vice-president of Grésivaudan. © Department of Isère

It is with deep sorrow that the Department says goodbye today to a man of conviction and great competence. “, said the Departmental Council, which still describes an elected official ” engaged in his files [et qui] was keen to deserve the trust that the people of Isère had placed in him “The left-wing opposition group Uges also paid tribute to the memory of the departmental councillor in a press release: ” Beyond the differences of opinion, we salute the frank, committed and open-minded man that he was. “, the elected officials indicate.

On social media, other political figures expressed their sadness at the news of Christophe Borg’s death. I really enjoyed meeting him and talking with him. […] I appreciated his independence of mind, his frankness “, declares the senator of Isère Didier Rambaud. Emotion is also expressed among the Charrapontains. The association of parents of pupils of the Villard-Benoît school thus evokes ” the quality of sincere and attentive listening ” demonstrated by the elected official. A trader describes the friendship he had formed with the elected official: ” He regularly checked in on me since I started having my health problems, and I will never forget that. “.


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