DayFR Euro

Autopsy, versions, expert reports… What the investigation concludes in the Nahel case, killed by police shooting

At the end of June 2023, Nahel, 17, died after being shot by a police officer in . After several months of investigation, the sequence of events is becoming clearer and the investigation does not reveal any intention to kill.

The investigation has been over since the beginning of August and the police officer suspected of shooting young Nahel is still under investigation for voluntary homicide. However, according to our colleagues at Europe 1, who had access to the investigation file, the version of the civil parties is denied and the intention to kill does not emerge from the expert reports carried out by the investigators.

The car combed through

The videos of the events were dissected and the car, a large German engine, which Nahel was driving, was also scrutinized. Europe 1, based on the file, explains that the police did not hit the teenager with the butt of their pistol, contrary to what the civil parties claim. It is the autopsy that allows to deny it: there are no traces of blows and the marks that the young man has on his arm were caused at least 18 hours before his death.

The investigations also show that Nahel voluntarily restarted the Mercedes: he pressed the start&stop button while operating the brake pedal; then the gear lever was placed in “drive” mode before there was any acceleration. These “actions” allegedly deflected the shot of the police officer whose elbow was resting on the windshield of the car, which the police officers maintain in their statements.

It is the investigating judge in charge of the investigations who will now decide whether or not to change the charges against the police officer.

Nahel death: Police officer who fired was not in “imminent danger”, report says


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