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The S3 day – lifeguards, rescuers, surfers – is making a big comeback in !

Building on its success last year, the S3 day (lifeguards, rescuers and big wave surfers) is back for a third consecutive edition. Like last year, the event will take place on Saturday, October 5 at the Espace de l’Océan in . It is a day of exchange and sharing of knowledge around the different techniques for caring for victims with a motorized watercraft, in this case the jet-ski. This project, jointly led by Gautier Garanx and Julien Nogues, was born on October 16, 2022, following the rescue of a jet-ski boater by a towed surf crew present on site, on a beach in Anglet.

© Jérémie Gabrien

It is a day of exchange and training which allows a meeting between XXL surfers and rescue/first aid corporations in order to improve ‘rescue’ techniques. ” tells us big wave surfer Gautier Garanx, co-founder of the project. The aim of this event is above all to enable all rescue corporations and associations to meet, namely firefighters, SAMU, SNSM and MNS, as well as towed surf crews from the Basque Country, Landes and elsewhere. To date, several corporations have already registered: SNSM National, SDIS 64, 40, 17, 35, 56, 31, BWS (Spanish firefighters), various associations as well as several towed surf crews.

The morning will be reserved for various presentations in the large room of the Espace de l’Océan, followed by discussion time, while the afternoon will see the practical application, in the ocean, of what has been seen in the morning. The day will be punctuated by convivial times around lunch and a friendly drink.

© Jérémie Gabrien

This day provides an opportunity for all corporations and associations present, as well as surfers, to discuss their different ways of caring for a victim and to provide everyone with the tools needed to improve individual techniques. This project has generated a collective enthusiasm resulting in the gathering of more than 130 people on September 30 at the Espace de l’Océan in Anglet.

© Jérémie Gabrien

The 2023 edition

The program

Morning – Crews and corporations are invited to the large room of the Espace de l’Océan in Anglet, with the opportunity to present their rescue techniques and/or their equipment. For this, a video projector as well as two VNM (motorized watercraft) with sleds on carts will be at their disposal.

Noon – A cold buffet will be offered to all participants on site.

Afternoon – Launching of VNMs and implementation of rescue techniques through various workshops organized at sea. Crews interested in techniques can then discuss with their morning contacts and put them into practice.

End of the day – A friendly drink will be organized to close the day, on the roof top of the Espace de l’Océan, facing the Angloy spots.

The price

In order to make security accessible to as many people as possible, we are carrying out this event on a voluntary basis, we are asking for a participation of 25 euros per person to finance the entire day ” says the organization.

Registrations are made by email to the following address: [email protected]

The objectives of this 3rd edition

Above all, it is about enabling the meeting between new rescue corporations – the SNSM, the French and Basque firefighters, the coastal rescuers of various municipalities, the SAMU – as well as the rescue associations equipped with a VNM (motorized watercraft) and towed surf crews. One of the objectives of this day is to allow all individuals present to exchange on their different techniques for caring for a victim while providing participants with the tools necessary to improve each person’s techniques.

It will also be a question of allowing those who wish to do so to provide feedback in order to further improve the rescue techniques seen during the last session, last September. The aim is to test and publicize new rescue equipment. And in addition to taking stock of the potential dangers at sea, the discussion will focus on the means that would allow rescue to be centralized, namely, alerts and communication between the actors.

© Jérémie Gabrien
© Jérémie Gabrien
© Jérémie Gabrien

Tags: Anglet Gautier Garanx S3 Day Julien Nogues firefighters Rescue lifeguards first aid rescuers SNSM


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