DayFR Euro

Étienne Gernelle denounces the “Trumpism of La insoumise”

It is difficult not to be struck by the common features between Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s strategy in this Emmanuel Macron impeachment case and Trump’s method. It must be said that the impeachment procedure has no chance. But that is not the question, that is not the goal.

The objective of La Insoumise is to make the promotion of an alternative reality. The fictional reality that the NFP won the legislative elections and Lucie Castets had to obtain Matignon. This is false. The left obtained 28% of the votes in the first round.

This is one of its lowest scores under the Fifth Republic. The NFP has 193 deputies. Should the other 384 deputies therefore bow to them? This is a huge joke. The only truth is that the assembly is split and that the game of coalitions is open. Nobody stole the victory from the NFP, because he didn’t win.

The Myth of the Stolen Victory

Trump, since his 2020 defeat to Joe Biden, has perpetuated the myth that he was stole his victory. This is obviously completely false. He has also started multiple appeal proceduresall lost, but it doesn’t matter because it works in public opinion. Several polls indicate that even today, about 30% of Americans think that the 2020 election was stolen.

This is where Mélenchon’s method resembles Trump’sThey maintain a climate of distrust towards democratic institutions, including in relying on alternative factslies. It is one of the proven methods of populist mobilization. In the age of social networks, a lie repeated a thousand times, a million times, can end up becoming a truth. The difference, of course, and it is enormous, is that the Trumpists, themselves, have taken action.

It is on the basis of this false Trumpian claim that the demonstrators attacked the Capitol. So, fortunately, in France, we are not there yet. That is why LFI’s Trumpism is, for the moment, a soft Trumpism. But from the point of view of the health of our democracythat’s not reassuring at all.

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