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New Types of Radars Arrive in

Announced for years, these radars should be deployed at the end of 2024, but they will be significantly different from those that were planned.

Radars in low-emission zones (ZFE-m) were supposed to be widespread years ago, but even today, motorists are still escaping their installation. From the end of 2024, it’s over: radars in low-emission zones will become a reality. As a reminder, launched in 2015 in , a ZFE-m aims to improve air quality in a city by banning the most polluting vehicles from driving.

Since the Climate and Resilience Act of 2021, dozens of urban areas have been monitored. Some polluted areas such as Paris or must respect a precise timetable and implement restrictive measures.

Conversely, some cities, whose pollution threshold is sufficiently low, must introduce light restrictions. This is the case of , or Saint-Etienne. One of these cities has decided to make a decision: it will install these new type of radars. Surprisingly, a nice surprise awaits motorists.

These first radars will be “educational”. As revealed by Auto-Plus, they will not fine offenders. Inspired by educational radars for speed, they will scan license plates to check if the vehicle has the right to drive. Several factors can be taken into account: registration documents, Crit’Air sticker, municipal exemption. A sign with text will then warn the driver that he is not authorized to drive.

It is in the heart of Auvergne, in Saint-Etienne, that these educational radars will make their appearance. The Saint-Etienne metropolis has in fact ordered several copies from the Sémeru company. They should be operational by the end of 2024 for a three-year test phase. Discussions are also underway to deploy them in Greater Paris, without a precise timetable for the moment.

As for the “real” ZFE radars, those that issue automatic fines, we will have to wait a little longer. Initially planned for 2024, they should not see the light of day until 2027. A delay due to “technical problems”, says Aurélie Trégouët, general secretary of the 40 million motorists association. It is also a subject that divides the highest echelons of the State and which therefore takes time to be implemented.

This two-stage approach, education followed by sanctions, illustrates the complexity of setting up ZFEs. The public authorities are seeking to find a balance between the environmental and health imperative and the social and economic impacts.

On the other hand, police checks are already taking place in some cities. The fine is 68 euros for cars and 135 euros for heavy goods vehicles. Since last year, the list of people authorised to issue tickets has even been extended. The municipal police can therefore also issue fines.


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