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Heritage Days 2024: What to visit in ?

Over the past 20 years, has risen to the rank of European capital to become a major tourist destination in the south-east region. Here are some sites that might appeal to you during the Heritage Days, on 21 and 22 September 2024.

The Basilica of Fourvière

Perched at the top of Fourvière hill, this symbol of divine protection sits enthroned over the city. With its breathtaking view of the city, its mosaics and its flamboyant stained glass windows, it is the favorite site in Lyon for tourists. The best part of the Heritage Days? An unusual visit to the rooftops, to touch the clouds.

The amphitheater of the Three Gauls

Located at the bottom of the slopes of the -Rousse, this small Roman amphitheater is famous for the martyrdom of the first Christians. During the Heritage Days, it will be exceptionally open to the public. The cherry on the cake is that you will have the opportunity to meet archaeologists, who will passionately reveal the secrets of their profession.

The traboules of the slopes and Old Lyon

Traboules are a kind of secret passages that, in the Pentes de la Croix-Rousse and Vieux Lyon districts, allow you to wander from one street to another… by crossing buildings. In the age of digital codes and intercoms, most of them are now closed to the public: using them will give you the opportunity to discover splendid interior courtyards.

The Hotel-Dieu

This is the story of an almost thousand-year-old hospital that closed its doors in 2007 to become a place of relaxation. This enchanting building now houses a hotel, restaurants, cafés and shops. On the occasion of the Heritage Days, you will meditate in its chapel and archives, and enjoy guided tours and exhibitions relating to the past of the place.


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