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Heritage Day 2024: What to visit in ?

Pleasant and sunny, enjoys a particularly charming historic center and a dynamic university life that gives it a youthful air. Here are some sites that could seduce you during the Heritage Days, on September 21 and 22, 2024.

The Agora, international city of dance

Did you know that Montpellier is the French capital of contemporary dance? At the heart of this excitement, the Agora, a prestigious training and creation center founded in 1997 within the walls of a building that was in turn a convent, a prison and a military barracks. A story full of twists and turns to discover over a weekend.

The Opera Comedy

While exploring Montpellier’s cultural heritage, head to the Comédie opera house. Located in the heart of the city, this concert hall is majestically beautiful. Wander its corridors decorated with sculptures and masterpieces, take a look behind the scenes and immerse yourself in a century and a half of passion for the performing arts.

The aqueduct and the castle of Castries

About twenty kilometers from the city center, the Castries aqueduct is an architectural and technical feat designed in 1670. Take advantage of the Heritage Days to explore it during guided tours and, since you are on site, also set off to discover the Castries castle before escaping into the flourishing nature around it.

The Henri-Prades Archaeological Museum

If the last Indiana Jones disappointed you, reconcile yourself with archaeology at the Henri-Prades Museum. On September 21 and 22, you will find plenty of activities for young and old alike: ceramics, mosaics, ancient games and storytelling are on the menu, as well as several thematic guided tours.


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