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Integration day for 6th grade classes

Students from both 6th grade classes e from Alain-Fournier college had their integration day marked by the discovery of Peufeilhoux castle during outdoor activities.

The new students, accompanied by their teacher Nathalie Monier, Isabelle Male, Aurore Silva, Pierre Basset, Gwenaël Sollier and Sébastien Denizot from Cap Tronçais, brightened up the paths of the Peufeilhoux castle for an integration day marking the start of their secondary school years.

Discovery of the gardens and groves and the outdoor biodiversity of the Peufeilhoux castle were offered to the two groups of students formed for the occasion. The middle school students were thus able to get to know each other and create links between themselves and their new teachers.

Get to know each other better

What are the objectives of this project? The idea is to have the students spend a day with their main teacher. “By getting to know them better, we save a lot of time and we can immediately set up support at all levels,” confides Gwenaël Sollier, their teacher. “We sincerely hope that this integration day will have dispelled the small anxieties linked to the transition to sixth grade, that this first positive experience will be the prelude to a school year rich in discoveries and successes.”

The college and the rural center financed all the stewardship, travel and meals. The students were welcomed by Claude Thévenin, the owner of the castle. “This project is important so that the teaching team works in perfect harmony with the student. We will continue because the image of the college can only be strengthened,” emphasizes Gwenaël Sollier.


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