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Juan Vivas insists on the importance of the Moroccan security system in Ceuta

Echoing recent events in Fnideq, Juan Vivas, president of the Sebta enclave, expressed his hope that the Moroccan security system protecting the city against waves of migrants, including many young people, minors and nationals of sub-Saharan Africa, would be maintained. Vivas stressed that the city is now saturated, its infrastructure no longer able to accommodate new arrivals.

Speaking on Carlos Herrera’s show, Vivas admitted his uncertainty about Morocco’s ability to maintain this level of security in the long term, although its cooperation remains essential. He added that the day before, Sebta had been plunged into an atmosphere of worry, while welcoming the ” maturity ” of its inhabitants in the face of the situation.

The president of the enclave of Sebta insisted on the effectiveness of the Moroccan forces: ” Morocco has carried out a very remarkable operation to deter attempts to access our city “He acknowledged that if the kingdom decides, it can act effectively to control migratory flows.

The situation in Sebta is today considered ” stifling “, according to Vivas, who specified that the reception center is far beyond its capacity. Regarding unaccompanied foreign minors, we are facing an unsustainable crisis, both in terms of infrastructure and budget. A strong and rapid response from the State is necessary. ” he said.

Providing striking figures, he reported a 350% increase in the number of foreign minors this year, and a 500% overload of reception infrastructure. This is an urgent crisis “, he insisted, adding that a dialogue is underway with the national government. For him, migratory pressure is a key security issue in Sebta, requiring national coordination. ” The problem of unaccompanied foreign minors cannot be limited to Ceuta or the Canary Islands, but concerns the whole country “, he warned.

In an upcoming meeting with Pedro Sánchez, Vivas affirmed that he will defend the interests of all the inhabitants of Sebta. He specified that one of the central points of this meeting would be the evaluation of the advances in the national security strategy, following ” the incident » of May 2021, where more than 12,000 Moroccans had crossed the border.

Although he refrained from directly accusing Morocco of being the Source of the migratory tensions, Vivas acknowledged that the situation is influenced by the border that separates Europe from Africa, marked by deep economic inequalities. “There is a migratory factor aimed at destabilizing Ceuta,” he said, while highlighting the growing role of social networks in mobilizing migrants.

Meanwhile, Fnideq continues to be the scene of attempts at irregular migration of young Moroccans and minors to Sebta. Security forces have intervened on several occasions to prevent these crossings.

Local sources reported that a new attempt took place recently at the Bab Sebta border crossing, requiring a forceful intervention by the authorities, which led to new confrontations. The security forces also pursued the would-be migrants in the surrounding forests and bushes, arresting several of them.

In addition to these arrests, the authorities have initiated repatriation operations that will continue in the coming days. New clashes have broken out, raising fears of injuries among migrants and security forces.

According to a preliminary report, between September 11 and 16, 4,455 illegal migrants were arrested in Fnideq, including 3,795 adults, 141 minors and 519 foreign nationals. Six attempts at collective assault were foiled, and 70 people, including Moroccans and sub-Saharan and Algerian migrants, were arrested for inciting these mass migratory movements.


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