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UNSA Education holds ’s largest employer accountable

Each year, the results of the UNSA Education careers barometer shed new light on what public service staff feel and experience. The 2024 edition is exceptional with a record participation: nearly 50,000 staff members responded this year to specific questions on the gap between their dream job and their actual job. The lessons of this edition are first of all that the public service has an immense resource, the commitment of staff who love their job 92% of the time and say so. But the new government will have to be aware of the heavy toll of the 7 Macron years which have brought mistrust and disillusionment to education and training professionals.

Through the detailed results of the 2024 edition of the career barometer, several findings emerge. Firstly, the health of staff is at stake when their exposure to psychosocial risks concerns a significant proportion of staff for the items “stressful situations” (51%) and “lack of recognition” (57%), or for faulty work tools among administrative staff, excessive workload among school principals and unsuitable instructions for management staff. The evolution over time of respondents’ priorities is interesting, when workload and health at work progress in the ranking.

UNSA Education has proposals and will make them heard in the public debate in the coming weeks. Social action, access to preventive medicine, teleworking, continuing education, the possibility of real horizontal mobility in the public service, avenues are emerging and our federation will defend them to the new government. But we will also be able to hold the State employer accountable when it fails to retain its staff and when it causes wear and tear among its executives, or when 66% of staff consider that their working conditions are unsatisfactory. The attractiveness of our professions, a visible issue at the start of each school year and more broadly in professions dedicated to young people, clearly requires improving the quality of life and working conditions, and paying close attention to Human Resources management, a flagrant oversight in our education and training policies.

Morgane VERVIERS, Secretary General of UNSA Education

In , September 17, 2024

Link to the results:


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