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The 3 ViaStella back-to-school schedule, “window on Corsica and the Mediterranean”

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“No, television is not dead! It is evolving.” An obvious fact but also a beacon for the territorial director of 3 Corsica ViaStella and his teams, when presenting the regional channel’s back-to-school schedule, this Tuesday, September 17, in .

Alongside Sylvie Acquavivathe editor-in-chief, Sebastian Tierias well as the new director of antennas and contents, Thierry Pardi – appointed just a few days ago – have detailed in this sense the 2024-2025 programmingmarked by an alliance of continuity and innovation.

Information, essential “pillar”, from magazines to documentaries, cinema and fiction, events, and even the Corsican language – which represents 26% of airtime – all facets of ViaStella were highlighted for the occasion.

“No, television is not dead! It is evolving,” assured Sylvie Acquaviva. Benjamin Raynaud

Record audience of 8% market share

With legitimate enthusiasm, Sylvie Acquaviva, in this regard, welcomed the loyalty of viewers, having offered last season “a historic rate of 8.7% market share” to ViaStella, the only full-function channel in the France 3 network.

“These results, a real audience record, still around 8% currently and for the second consecutive season, confirm the anchoring of ViaStella in the audiovisual landscape, establishing it as the third channel in Corsica and the first over the duration of the Corsica Will Beimportant information meeting”continued the territorial director.

In the digital age, the 2 million monthly visits to the channel’s website are also something to delight “artisans of this regional television”facing both “reliable and decoded information, discovery, culture and entertainment”while playing a central role in promoting island identity and creativity.

“Our programming aims to reflect our society and its concerns, like a true window on Corsica and the Mediterranean, adds Sylvie Acquaviva. With 82% of programs purchased from regional production companies, the channel is also a mirror of innovation and a development tool for this audiovisual sector.”.

“Speaking to all audiences”

An objective shared by the new director of broadcasts and content, who has just succeeded Vanina Susini in this position. A well-known figure on the channel, where he was notably deputy editor-in-chief of the editorial staff, then editor-in-chief of magazines, Thierry Pardi insisted on the “magazine diversity policy”there “large place given to bilingualism”as well as “the emphasis on work on digital and on deciphering the history of Corsica”.

Thierry Pardi has just been appointed to his new position. Benjamin Raynaud

Beyond well-established meetings, such as‘Oghje at midday, South Shoresfocusing on Mediterranean news, is one of the new features, for example. As well as Sweet Nightwhich will offer a series of concerts.

Events will also be in the spotlight, with the broadcasting of sporting events, such as the Telethon from the ambassador city, Bonifacio. Or even major festivals such as the Read 2024a European music competition dedicated to regional languages.

The presentation of the program took place in the channel’s Ajaccio premises. Benjamin Raynaud

Among the challenges of today and tomorrow, ViaStella is also developing its culture of proximity, particularly towards young people, through an increased presence on social networks and various projects.

“We will soon launch the Medialingua platform, a bank of resources in the Corsican language, in partnership with the Corsican Academy and the Canopé network, adds Sylvie Acquaviva. The information in sign language and the dimension of inclusiveness also illustrate our desire to speak to all audiences”, she concludes.


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