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Orsay, a special day for 80 painters

The Musée d’Orsay will host a 7-hour exhibition on September 19, taking stock of contemporary painting. An event for which up to 20,000 people are expected.

The event has the feel of an artistic performance: putting on an exhibition for just 7 hours, bringing together 80 artists present all day (from 2pm to 9:30pm) to welcome the public. With a size constraint, since it was impossible to move a single work from the permanent exhibition – hence the options of hanging it between the gaps, on an easel or placed in the rooms. The Musée d’Orsay is also the first to be destabilized since it presents it on its website in the “shows and performances” section. “We will not be on top of each other to form a block against the artists of the 19th centurye century, but distributed in the nave and we worked with a scientific committee so that the hanging made sense”introduces Thomas Lévy-Lasne, artist co-curator. The spark for the project, launched only at the end of March, comes from the curiosity of Nicolas Gausserand, advisor to the president in charge of international issues and contemporary programs at the museum and co-curator, piqued during the preparation of Nathanaëlle Herbelin’s exhibition…


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