DayFR Euro

Automovilistas Europeos Asociados pide paralizar la tramitación de multas en la ZBE y la devolución de 330 milones

Automovilistas Europeos Asociados pedirá al alcalde de Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, the immediate paralización en la tramitación de las multas charges for accessing the Low Emission Zones (ZBE) and the devolution of the cobrado, which is estimated in more than 330 million euros in 1.7 million multas.

La Sección Segunda de la Sala de lo Contentioso-Administrativo del Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) has canceled a series of modifications of the Ordenanza de Movilidad Sustenible del Ayuntamiento de Madrid en las que se el ambito de la Low Emissions Zone (ZBE) in all municipalities.

The sentence concretely cancels which parts of the order are defined by the scope of the order. Low Emissions Zone in all the municipality of Madrid y las que establecens las Zonas de Low Emissions de Especial Protection (ZBEDPE) de Distrito Centro y Plaza Elíptica“. In this way, Justice maintains the rest of the articulation.

The Superior Court of Justice of Madrid cancels the Low Emission Zones of the capital

Before long, the association has been in force for years in the application of traffic restrictions for vehicles without the label “based on the same arguments that have been used by the TSJM to annul the ZBE of Madrid”.

The sentence, in words of the association of motorists, “incides especially in the fact that the restrictive measures adopted by the order presumably affect the Personas de menos economic capacitythat there are impediments or serious difficulties in addition to the possibilities of accessing new vehicles that take into account the environmental requirements but do not have a valuation of this factor”.

If the sentence is not firm, the association hopes that the decision will not be recurred “because it is well motivated by the light of the doctrine of the Tribunal de Justicia de la UE and the propio Tribunal Supremo de España”.


The door of More Madrid in the capital city, Rita Maestreand the socialist assistant door, Enma Lopezit was agreed that the sentence canceling the Low Emission Zones (ZBE) in the municipality of Madrid is consequence of the “chapuza” of municipal policies of the mayor from Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida.

The municipal port of Más Madrid, Rita Maestre, came to Almeida that the sentence will recur to guarantee the air conditioning policies in the capital. In an audio remitido at the start, it said that Almeida and the PP “alimentaron el negacionismo climateo en su lucha contra la izquierda madrileña” and, ahora, “sufren el boicot que en en el pasado emplearon” contra “todos los avances” en materia de calidad del aire.

Las 24 calidad stations of the Madrid area registered with the best youth of its history

Master has considered the sentence as one “Muy mala noticia para la salud de los madrileños” y ha criticado que la justice “a veces tiene nenene ciamientos más propios del siglo lo que hizo el PP” con el gobierno de Manuela Carmena (Now Madrid).

When other audio is returned to the device, the port adjoined to the PSOE-M in the City Council of Madrid, Enma Lopezha señalado que la sentencia es “an example of las chapuzas” de Almeidaal manifestar que ya hay “muchos casos” municipal policies que son annuladas por la justice. no lo está haciendo. Because of this, the tribunals and the orders are annulled, and in the end, the queda en Madrid is a great legal inseguridad that perjudica the courts”, ha añadido.

The door of Vox in the City Council of Madrid, Javier Ortega Smith, how to explain the reduction of the alcalde José Luis Martínez-Almeida followed the sentence that annulled the Zones of Low Emissions (ZBE) of Madrid, and he advised that his group would request the provisional ejection of the sentence if the Municipal Government recurred it.

Environmentalists in Action (EA) y Greenpeace coincidentally, the derecho must prevail in the health, in the medioambient there is a good quality of the air so that “anyone supuesto derecho” has been displace in an automobile deprived of a combustion engine, “as therefore deducted from the sentence” and han pedido to the City of Madrid “tramitar improve” the current areas of low emissions (ZBE) in the capital.


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