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It didn’t take long before ChatGPT o1-mini became available as a free version.

The latest addition to the ChatGPT family has everything a big brother needs, with a little something extra that could make all the difference with its big brothers. o1-mini, a lighter version of the o1 model, is capable of “ think before you react ” Unlike previous models, which tended to respond immediately, o1-mini takes the time to weigh the pros and cons before formulating its response. This more calm approach allows it to tackle complex problems with a finesse that has never been seen before.

But where o1-mini really shines is in science and mathematics. In a test based on the International Mathematical Olympiad qualifying exam, o1-mini literally crushed its predecessor GPT-4o, scoring 83%, compared to a meager 13%. This performance rivals that of PhD students in such cutting-edge fields as physics, chemistry and biology.

This little genius also bluffs on the programming side. With results placing him in the 89e percentile (i.e. in the field of statistics, the value of the variable that divides the continuous variable into 100 equal groups) during Codeforces competitions, o1-mini will certainly interest coders and developers. All this, and this is not insignificant, in a more compact format and less resource-intensive than its big brother o1.


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