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We explain to you the destabilization attempt worthy of a spy film

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– Did Accenture try to destabilize its competitor Onepoint?

Did Accenture seek to denigrate its competitor Onepoint? This hypothesis, accompanied by a scenario worthy of a Hollywood film, was revealed by Mediapart on Sunday, September 15. Indeed, as part of an investigation by the magazine Cash Investigationan employee of the consulting firm Accenture allegedly tried to trap Élise Lucet’s teams by sending them a letter accusing Onepoint. As reported by The Echoesthis man who would be a “agent of the Ministry of the Armed Forces”would have sent the letter in January 2024In it, he allegedly explained that David Layani’s company would benefit from largesse and a “privileged access to the defense market” thanks to his connections.

According to our colleagues, he would have taken all precautions to leave no trace of this mail in his computer, would have put on gloves to post the letter and would have moved away from the offices of the group. But he would have committed a blunder by speaking about his attempt of destabilization to a person who recorded the conversation, who then transmitted it to Mediapart. He would have mentioned an operation “in ‘Office of Legends’ mode» (Canal + series). Is this attempt at destabilization real? Who could be hiding behind it?

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The alleged author also files a complaint

The 2 magazine did not wish to follow up due to the inability to contact its author. But the magazine’s editor-in-chief described it as “shocking” the idea that a “Public Affairs Director Tries to Manipulate Journalists”. For its part, Onepoint took the matter very seriously and does not rule out taking legal action judicial proceedings, including the filing of a complaint for malicious denunciation and unfair competition.These facts are extremely serious and undermine the integrity, image and interests of Onepoint.”Onepoint said in a press release.

Its competitor Accenture also reacted very quickly by claiming to have opened a internal investigation recalling that she wore “strong values” and that she committed to “act (…) in compliance with a demanding ethical framework”. If these practices were to be verified, Accenture would take “appropriate measures”This affair is in any case a new element in the war that has broken out between the two groups, which were nevertheless associated two years ago in a contract for the digital transformation of the armies.

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Speaking to Mediapart, the Ministry of the Armed Forces highlighted “serious facts insofar as they attempt to exploit the ministry”. The person suspected of being the author of the alleged letter denies being the author and has even filed a defamation complaint. For his part, a participant in the case doubts that this attempt is the result of an isolated act. The investigation will certainly allow us to find out more.


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