DayFR Euro

A day for young people at the -Bellegarde flying club on September 28

13-21 year olds are invited to the -Bellegarde flying club on Saturday September 28 to discover the world of aeronautics.

Inspired by the regional aeronautics committee of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, the Limoges flying club is organizing a day on Saturday, September 28, “Aeronautics: Why not me” for middle and high school students (13-21 years old) who want to get a little closer to the world of aeronautics, learn about training and aeronautical careers, refine their professional project and find out about the new season of the Aeronautical Initiation Certificate.


Baptisms of the air

Personnel from the recruitment centres of the Air and Space Forces, the Land Forces, the Navy and the Gendarmerie will be present.

A flight simulator for a tourist plane, a PC21 from the Cognac base (training plane for future Air Force pilots) and the Gendarmerie helicopter (subject to operational constraints) will also be there.

Baptisms of the air

A multiple choice questionnaire will be given to each young person upon arrival. The first thirty winners will have the opportunity to take a morning and afternoon flight offered by the regional aeronautical committee.

It is necessary to register in advance online by choosing morning (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.) or afternoon (1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.). Free operation. [email protected] Further information from the Limoges-Bellegarde flying club on;

The Brevet d’initiation aéronautique is a diploma recognized by the National Education. Its training is organized by the Limoges-Bellegarde aeroclub each year from November until the exam in May. It can be useful for integrating aeronautical schools and companies. Classes are held on Wednesday afternoons at the Turgot high school in Limoges and generally begin after the fall holidays. All students, regardless of their school, can register for this training. A financial contribution is requested.


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